[Web page] What is JSON? Why JSON is used more than XHR, how to use JSONVergison text = ‘{ “name”: “Someone else”, “lastName”: “Kim” }’; // JSON 형식의 문자열 var realObject = JSON.parse(jsonText); var jsonText2 = JSON.stringify(realObject);console.log(realObject);console.log(jsonText2);Vergison text = ‘{ “name”: “Someone else”, “lastName”: “Kim” }’; // JSON 형식의 문자열 var realObject = JSON.parse(jsonText); var jsonText2 = JSON.stringify(realObject);console.log(realObject);console.log(jsonText2);JSON.parse (a string in JSON format)—Converts text in JSON format to a JavaScript object.JSON.stringify: Convert JavaScript objects to JSON text.Objects can handle data such as keys, values, and dates, but data in general string format is neither an array nor an object.To give a very simple example.System.out.println(Array[i]); //배열 데이터타입의 변수이기 때문에 각 인덱스별로 컨트롤이 가능System.out.println(“Array[i]”); //그냥 일반 문자열임Object reference for JSONlet merry = {race: “hobbit”, name: “Merry Brandybuck” }let pippin = {race: “hobbit”, name: “Pippin Token”, ベストフレンド: merry }console.log(JSON.stringify(pippin.bestfriend.name )); // 出力 “Merry Brandybuck”JSONの配列です{ “The Shire”, “Revendale”, “Gondor”)Java에서 JSON 다루는 법https://velog.io/@jwpark06/Java-JSON-%EB%8B%A4%EB%A3%A8%EA%B8%B0In this post that deals with Java JSON, I’m going to write about how to handle JSON objects. I’ve been dealing with PHP for a long time, and unlike Java, I’ve forgotten too many things that need to be carefully checked. I’m trying to create algorithm problems and simple applications, but the more minor errors are generated from variable declarations…velog.ioIn this post that deals with Java JSON, I’m going to write about how to handle JSON objects. I’ve been dealing with PHP for a long time, and unlike Java, I’ve forgotten too many things that need to be carefully checked. I’m trying to create algorithm problems and simple applications, but the more minor errors are generated from variable declarations…velog.iopublic class UtilJson { public static JSONObject createJsonData() { JSONObject productInfo = new JSONObject(); productInfo.put(“product_no”, 1022); JSONObject extraProductInfo = new JSONObject(); extProductInfo(“11ductInfo(“Discount”), 3000).put(“extra_product_info, extraProductInfo); JSONArray itemList = new JSONArray(); JSONObject item1 = new JSONObject(); item1.put(“item_name, “L/Blue”);itemList.add(item1); JSONObject2((“), 126.putitem_name, Item.(“), no), 126.pute_inter、 “S/Red”); itemList.add(item2); productInfo.put(“item_list”, itemList); public static String jsonToString(JSONObject jsonObject){ jsonObject.toString();Returns the {}public class UtilJson { public static JSONObject createJsonData() { JSONObject productInfo = new JSONObject(); productInfo.put(“product_no”, 1022); JSONObject extraProductInfo = new JSONObject(); extProductInfo(“11ductInfo(“Discount”), 3000).put(“extra_product_info, extraProductInfo); JSONArray itemList = new JSONArray(); JSONObject item1 = new JSONObject(); item1.put(“item_name, “L/Blue”);itemList.add(item1); JSONObject2((“), 126.putitem_name, Item.(“), no), 126.pute_inter、 “S/Red”); itemList.add(item2); productInfo.put(“item_list”, itemList); public static String jsonToString(JSONObject jsonObject){ jsonObject.toString(); Returns }}public クラス CreateJsonApp { public static void main(String[] args) { JSONObject jsonObject = UtilJson.createJsonData(); System.out.println(jsonObject); }}}}} を作成しますpublic クラス CreateJsonApp { public static void main(String[] args) { JSONObject jsonObject = UtilJson.createJsonData(); System.out.println(jsonObject); }}}}} を作成します//결과물productInfo = {“item_list”:[{“item_name”:”L\\/Blue”, item_no”:21}, {item_name “:”S\\/Red “, item_no “:126}] extra_product_info “:{ “ship_fee “:3000}, discount__rate “:11}, product__no “:1022 です、 リスト マップ をJ をマップしますSON に変換する方法 tychejin.tistory.com/311 です[JAVA] JSON 변환 (文字列、マップ、リスト、JSON 文字列、JSON オブジェクト、JSON アレイ)JSON’son’s”””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””[JAVA] JSON 변환 (文字列、マップ、リスト、JSON 文字列、JSON オブジェクト、JSON アレイ)JSON 변환 pom.xml 라이브러리는 json-sample, jackson-datab ind 를 사용하였습니다.com.googlecode.json-simple json-simple 1.1.fastxml.jackson.core jaskon-datab ind 2.12.3 JsonUtils.java 1 です。 을 JSONstring 으로 변환 3 を一覧表示します。 String 을 JSON tychejin.tistory.com[JAVA] JSON 변환 (文字列、マップ、リスト、JSON 文字列、JSON オブジェクト、JSON アレイ)JSON 변환 pom.xml 라이브러리는 json-sample, jackson-datab ind 를 사용하였습니다.com.googlecode.json-simple json-simple 1.1.fastxml.jackson.core jaskon-datab ind 2.12.3 JsonUtils.java 1 です。 을 JSONstring 으로 변환 3 を一覧表示します。 String 을 JSON tychejin.tistory.com@supportson(“””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””オブジェクト>{JSon=新しい JSon=新しい JSon=新しい JSon オブジェクト(<<<sting):>「get’son」<stingsonnew””””